My Table of Kings

A few decades ago, business owners would talk about getting together for a “skull group,” which everyone believed referred to the human cranium, as in “think tank” or “brain trust.”

It was an easy mistake to make.

Edward Herbert Scull founded the first peer group in America in 1928 and his members grew to dominate the cities in which they did business from coast to coast. Countless organizations have attempted to duplicate the success of E.H. Scull, but none have even come close.

Until now.

Having carefully researched and studied the methods, practices, policies, and traditions of the ultra-secretive Mr. Scull, Service Excellence is hosting Scull-type peer groups composed of the most ambitious business owners in the home services industry.

Meetings are mandatory. Membership is for life.

The primary rule of Kings is never to talk about the meeting table they gather around.

This is all you need to know for now.

Welcome to the Big Leagues.

Todd Liles

Chief Executive & Creative Officer

PS – Every client of Service Excellence is eligible to become a Future King. You will know that we have become deeply impressed with your abilities when you receive an official invitation to sit at My Table of Kings. We will speak no more about it until you have that invitation in your hand.

© 2024 Service Excellence.

Business is like swordplay: there is the dance, the sport, and the combat.

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