
Prescriptions Part 2 – Handling Objections

This week on the show, Chris and Chris resume their talk about the second P in PRESS PLAY, Prescriptions. Any time you ask a customer to buy from you there is the possibility of objections. Here is the process for understanding and handling objections:

Reasons for Objections

Objections happen naturally because of the situation. You’re a stranger in the customer’s home. They don’t understand the technical stuff. They are anxious about the money. All of these things lead to objections.

Handle Objections Before They Happen

Your process should help minimize or eliminate objections. The things you do when you arrive, through your introduction, through your diagnostic and evaluation will all build value incrementally. You can’t leave anything out or choose to do just a few things. All of it together builds the value.

The Most Common Objections

To remember the most common objections just remember STEAM:

  • I need to talk to my spouse.
  • I need to think about it.
  • That’s too expensive.
  • I can’t afford it.
  • I’m getting multiple bids, or I need a second opinion.

Is the Objection a Smokescreen or Condition?

A smokescreen is the “little fib” that a customer may tell you to cover or hide the true issue. They may be embarrassed to tell you they can’t afford it, or they may be programmed to say “I want to think about it” because of past buying experiences. A condition is the true reason the customer can’t say “yes” right now. You must determine what the objection truly means.

Discover the true Condition with LEAP

The customer needs to know you are hearing them and understanding their situation. To do that and to uncover the truth, you must use LEAP. Listen, Empathize, Ask Questions, and Problem Solve. Listening means that you are seeking to understand. Empathizing means you show the customer that you understand and why. Asking Questions helps to find out if you need to learn more or teach more. Problem Solving should only be done once you know the true condition.

On the next episode, we will break down LEAP and how to use it with the most common objections.

We will talk more about presenting and overcoming objections on subsequent episodes of the podcast.

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