
You’re Too Expensive

Hands holding money while using a calculator

In the home services industry, we perform important work for our customers. Whether it’s HVAC, plumbing, electrical or others, our skills keep homes running smoothly all year round. BUT that doesn’t mean that homeowners will automatically accept your recommendation every time.

From the homeowner’s point of view, every technician or salesperson could be trying to sell them something they don’t need. That’s why objections pop up frequently during the sales process. There are 5 sales objections that professional salespeople face time and again:

  • I can’t afford it!
  • Your price is way too expensive!
  • Let me talk to my spouse
  • I will need to get 3 bids
  • Let me think about it

These objections are as old as time. The good news is that a well-trained Service Technician or Salesperson can easily overcome these objections with the right tools for success.

A hand stacking coins

How To Handle The “You’re Too Expensive” Objection

The “You’re too expensive” sales objection sounds a lot like the “I can’t afford that” objection. However, they’re fundamentally different. The “You’re too expensive” sales objection highlights a problem with YOUR value. The “I can’t afford that” sales objection highlights a challenge with the CLIENT’S BUDGET.

This objection can make a professional technician a little angry because it feels like a personal attack on how well you do your job or the quality of the company you work for. As a professional, you believe in the services you offer — to be told that your offer is not perceived as valuable to the customer can be a little upsetting.

Don’t let your emotions get the best of you. Hold yourself to a higher standard, make the sale and satisfy your customer. In the end, the customer’s objection to your price point is rarely ever about you as a technician, so treat it as just one more puzzle piece to your sale as a whole. Here’s some tips to help you sail through the sale after the customer says your services are too expensive.

1. Deliver A Presentation That Builds Value

If your presentation is not built upon the client’s needs and wants, then your price point is automatically going to seem too high. Value is perceived, and people will spend money on what they perceive is the most important to their health, safety and comfort. Trying to handle this objection without established value through your presentation is totally pointless.

After you have delivered a high-value, purposeful presentation, then you’re ready to handle this objection.

2. Control Your Emotions

You may be asking yourself why a client would object to your services so strongly if you did such a good job. The answer is that the shock of the required expense can make people react irrationally and out of character.

When a person faces a surprise or unexpected information, they move into a defensive posture. This is also called the “Adaptive Personality” in the DiSC Profile. This adaptive personality makes them think and feel differently. See the changes in the diagram below.

You’ll notice that there are changes in the client’s personality depending on the scenario. While exhibiting the S personality when in the natural style, this client moves into an I personality when they become aware of their behavior. This is completely normal and something every salesperson worth their salt should learn.

Now that you know the client’s personality is changing, you see why you must control your own emotions — your personality is changing too! If you’re not in control, then before you know it, two strangers are sitting across the table from each other. It feels like all your hard-won rapport goes out the window and you have to start anew with a frustrated customer.

3. Isolate The Real Meaning

Let’s examine the motivation behind why a client would resort to this objection. When a client tells you that your price is too high, clarify what they mean. Ask directly whether they aren’t sure if the total expense fits into their budget or if they don’t think the total is a fair reflection of the offered services. This could reveal — to both you and the customer — whether the objection is truly an issue with your price or their willingness to invest that money. This might be enough to sway to them to make the investment.

Sometimes the client will dig in their heels and insist that the cost is still too high, no matter what the reason for the objection. This may be the point in time when you start to feel angry. Remember – control your emotions. Move on to the next point and stay confident in your salesmanship skills.

4. Apologize For Price

Let your client know you understand where they’re coming from and apologize for the price. Tell your client you understand that your company’s price may be higher than the other guys. Remind them that you’re there to help them find a solution so they can get the service they deserve.

Next, stress that it’s better for you to apologize once for the price being too high than it is for other contractors to apologize over and over again because the customer received poor service. Segue into step five by offering to share with your client three things you’ve discovered to be true about business.

5. You Can Get Two Of The Three

To justify the sales total, explain to your client that when it comes to the service industry, they have the right to 3 basic demands:

  1. The lowest price
  2. A great, highly-trained technician
  3. A great company to provide service before and after the sale, and to stand behind the promises of the technician

Confirm with your client that these are their rights as they understand them. When they agree, let them know they can only get two of the three.

They can get the lowest price and a good technician, or the lowest price and an okay company. But as a professional who can work for anyone in this city, tell them they can’t get a great tech like you and a company like yours for the lowest price.

It’s just not possible. So, yes your prices are higher. But it’s because your client is getting an amazing install and amazing service, with guarantees in writing. Now that’s worth the little bit extra, isn’t it? When you frame your response to your client’s reaction in this way, you can eliminate their objection.

Putting These Skills To Use

If you’ve struggled with customers that claim your services are too expensive, then you need to start using these proven techniques right away. Stop suffering from uneasy communication about cost — there’s a better way to communicate and satisfy your customers!

Did you know that the absolute best way to learn is to practice a new technique in the presence of experts that can give you instant feedback? When you practice in the presence of experts, you get the following benefits:

  • Clear direction and instruction.
  • Confidence from practice.
  • Instant feedback.
  • Training that comes alive in the moments you need it most – the field.

If you’re interested in these benefits and more, then attend our next PRESS PLAY Training Series for Sales or Techs.

Let's put these Tips to good use

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