
The Wrong Reasons Why You’re Getting a “NO”

Angry tele marketer attending customer online at office

“No” distinctly says, “Not you” to the salesperson. Rather than seeing that rejection as one of the project or the quote, many salespeople see that as a personal rejection due to a failure in their skills or abilities. It’s easy to understand. And, it’s important in your development as a sales and service professional to receive rejection to help you fine-tune your process and approach. Related Content: The Sales Objections Series.

Many salespeople don’t recognize the real gift in the “No.” They think they are getting a “no” for the wrong reasons or that the rejection is unfair or unjust. They think the “no” is about the client when it’s really about the salesperson.

When you get a “No,” then you are getting a signal that you or what you represent is not good enough and that there is room to learn, grow and improve. That’s the gift of the “No.” It’s a call to action that says there’s room to grow and to try again harder next time.

The Wrongs of a “No”

If you are getting a “no” persistently from your clients, then try addressing the following concerns:

  1. The purpose: if you’re thinking about your commission or how much you can make during a sales call, then you are in the wrong. It’s about the client’s needs, not your pocketbook.
  2. The way: if you’re not utilizing the client’s personality and buying type, then there is room for improvement. Clients all have their own reasons and buying habits.
  3. The value: if you’re asking for the sale before the value is built, then your methodology is wrong. Make sure the client understands the value before you ask for the sale.
  4. The decision process: if you’re asking the client to make unnecessary changes to their decision-making process, then you are likely putting too much pressure on the client. Some decisions need both homeowners to make the final call, and some don’t. First, understand your client. Then ask in a way that honors their decision-making process.

Selling isn’t only about charging forward to the “yes” without any observation of the mistakes that could have been made along the way. That type of salesperson quickly gains a reputation for being pushy and demanding. In some cases, they even find themselves on the news for shady tactics. In worst cases, it can destroy entire companies. Related Content: How to Stay Off the Nightly News.

Selling is truly about serving to meet your client’s needs. Selling is about aligning company purpose, and asking for the sale when all the reasons are Right!

If you want to avoid all the wrong reasons you are getting a “No”, then check out the PRESS PLAY for Sales Series. 


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